
About Us


ounded in 2004, Robert Emery & Moritz Schneider had a dream to create an all-encompassing entertainment company focused on music.


Originally called Arts Festivals and rebranded to Omni Musica in 2024 for our twenty-year anniversary, the team is now excited to be adding new divisions to the company.


We first focused on live performances with orchestra and quickly moved into album production. After ten years of producing concerts on international stages and making albums predominantly for singers, we decided to expand the business into musical theatre as well.

After several highly successful musical theatre productions in Europe and Asia, we felt it was time to expand once again after fifteen years —this time, our meditation division was created.


Now that we have been together for twenty years, we feel it is time to ‘come back home’ and develop our concerts and album production once more.


We are one of the lucky few who have survived, partly by going where the wind blows, partly by never giving up, and partly by having the most amazing team around us.


For this, we are seriously grateful and look forward to the next twenty years!

Robert & Moritz


It’s nice to work with nice people, and some of the people we’ve worked with from these television channels and record labels are the nicest!  So thank you…


Flexible & Professional

Here are the key players in our story.  We expand and contract our team based on our projects, but these colleagues stay with us across all our projects.

  • Robert Emery

    A lover of wearing no shoes or socks on stage makes Robert the go-to person for asking what the odd smell is!
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    Founder & CEO/Chief Biscuit Eater
  • Moritz Schneider

    A lover of all things Swiss makes Moritz the go to person for cheese, cows and yodelling!
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    Co-Founder & COO/Chief Tea Maker
  • Lisa Davies

    As Lisa also loves to sing and play guitar, she is our office entertainment on a Friday afternoon!
    Lisa Davies PR
    Head of Promo/Chief Office Comedian
  • Joshua Kershaw

    As Josh loves his 'expensive' beans so much, we have crowned him our Chief Coffee Expert
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    Head of Filme/Chief Coffee Expert
  • Nick Pugh

    The world's biggest fan of hob-nobs, makes Nick the expert on the finer things in life
    Nick Pugh
    Head Engineer/Chief Hob-Nob Expert
  • John Rodd

    A lover of fridges makes John the go to person to ask for a chilled mochaccino to complement his cool mix!
    RMM Director/Mochaccino Lover
  • Thomas Strebel

    A lover of having long hair makes Tommy the go to person for all things girl related!
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    Outdoor Audio Supervisor/Nice Guy


About Us | Omni Musica